RMB 25

Baltic Coastal System Analysis and Status Evaluation (BACOSA)


  • Piepho, M., 2015, Introduction. RMB (25) S. 5 [pdf]

  • Berthold, M, Zimmer, D. & Schumann, R., 2015, A simplified method for total phosphorus digestion with potassium persulphate at sub-boiling temperatures in different environmental samples. RMB (25) S. 7–25 [pdf]

  • Bitschofsky, F., Forster, S., Powilleit, M. & Gebhard, C., 2015, Potential role of macrofauna for the exchange processes between sediment and water column in an inner coastal water of southern Baltic Sea (Darß-Zingst Bodden Chain, Grabow). RMB (25) S. 27–39 [pdf]

  • Karstens, S., Schwark, F., Forster, S., Glatzel, S. & Buczko, U., 2015, Sediment tracer tests to explore patterns of sediment transport in coastal reed beds – a case study from the Darss-Zingst Bodden Chain. RMB (25) S. 41–57 [pdf]

  • Kleeberg, A., 2015, Plant-mediated equilibrium between phosphorus immobilization and mobilization: a mini-review. RMB (25) S. 59–71 [pdf]

  • Meyer, J. & Blindow, I., 2015, Methodenstudie zur Sedimentation im Flachwasserbereich des Grabow (Darß-Zingster-Boddenkette). RMB (25) S. 73–91 [pdf]

  • Piepho, M. & Schubert, H., 2015, Phenology of macrophytes and phytoplankton in the Grabow – a shallow coastal lagoon of the Baltic Sea. RMB (25) S. 93–104 [pdf]

  • Blindow, I. & Meyer, J., 2015, Submerse Makrophyten während Eutrophierung und Re-Mesotrophierung – ein Vergleich von inneren und äußeren Boddengewässern. RMB (25) S. 105–118 [pdf]

  • Forster, S. & Bitschofsky, F., 2015, Different reasons for low pore water phosphate concentrations observed at a shallow brackish site in a German Baltic Sea lagoon. RMB (25) S. 119–131 [pdf]

  • Kruse, M., Benkenstein, M. & Müller, F., 2015, Ein Konzept zur Bewertung von Ökosystemleistungen in der Darß-Zingster Boddenkette – qualitative Analyse und Vorstellung des Mengengerüsts zur Quantifizierung. RMB (25) S. 133–157 [pdf]