M.Sc. Rokhya Bhano Kaligatla


Raum: 032

Tel.: 0381 498 6074


Schwerpunkte und Forschungsinteressen

unraveling the complexities of phytoplankton communities and their interactions in shallow water bodies.

  •  Understanding the factors driving the temporal and spatial phytoplankton community dynamics, such as nutrient availability, light availability, and physical processes which are crucial for comprehending ecosystem functioning and responses to environmental changes.
  •  Investigating the diversity and interactions among phytoplankton.
  •  Studying how phytoplankton communities respond to various environmental stressors, such as nutrient enrichment, temperature changes, and anthropogenic influences.

Aktuelle Projekte

“Rapid, event-driven shortcuts between benthic nutrients and phytoplankton in inland and coastal waters”

The project focuses on understanding the impact of benthic nutrient release on phytoplankton growth in lakes. By combining high-temporal resolution nutrient measurements with phytoplankton eco-physiology, I aim to explore the consequences of short-term nutrient triggers on phytoplankton dynamics in-situ. This research is crucial for water quality management and enhancing our understanding of rapid ecological changes in water bodies.

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

Oct 2017- Oct 2020: Masters degree in Biological Oceanography (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel)

Master thesis: The effects of Artificial Upwelling on the Phytoplankton community composition and succession: A Mesocosm study

June 2014 - June 2017: Bachelor degree in Biology and Chemistry (Andhra University, India)

Bachelor thesis: Zero Energy Cool Chamber

Oct 2020- Dec 2020: Internship at ‘Coastal research and Management (CRM)’, Kiel – Estimating Dispersal distances of Fucus vesiculosus eggs from their sinking velocities

May 2019- March 2020: HiWi position - Determining particulate organic matter in seawater

September 2018: Worked for ‘Go Jelly’ Project on a research cruise (Poseidon)

Oct 2018- Dec 2018: Worked for ‘OceanArtUp’ Project with off shore mesocosms in Gran Canaria, Spain

Dec 2017- Mar 2019: HiWi position - Phytoplankton ecology

May 2016: Internship at KVK, Indian council for agricultural research during Bachelors – ‘Soil analysis’ and ‘Construction and analysis of zero energy cool chamber’

BACOSA - Baltic Coastal System Analysis and Status Evaluation

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), 1. April 2016 - 31. März 2019