Schwerpunkte und Forschungsinteressen
Aquatic Plant Ecology, Coastal Ecology, Marine Ecosystems Restoration, Remote Sensing/Coastal Resources Mapping
Aktuelle Projekte
Baltic TRANSCOAST: B1 – Salinity acclimation in brackish wetland systems
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
2022-present Doktorand/wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiterin in der AG Aquatische Ökologie der Universität Rostock
2021 Research Associate in Macajalar Bay Development Alliance with Wetland International Philippines -- Project: ‘’To Plant or Not To Plant: Identify potential inland fishponds and mangrove areas critical for restoration’’
2021 Assistant for Capacity Building at the University of Rhode Island (Philippines) – Focus: FishRIGHT Program: ‘’Illegal Unregulated Unreported (IUU) Fishing Index and Threat Mapping’’
2020 – 2021 National Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Restoration Specialist at Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations -- Project: “Support member countries implement climate change adaptation measures in fisheries and aquaculture’’
2019 – 2020 Science Research Specialist at University of the Philippines - Training Center for Applied Geodesy and Photogrammetry -- Project: ‘’Mapping of Blue Carbon Ecosystems in the Philippines’’
2019 - Ocean Training Partnership Scholar: South-North Atlantic Transect (SoNoAT 2019) on board RV Polarstern, Alfred Wegener Institute -- Individual Report: “Sea Surface Temperature Assessment along the South-North Atlantic Transect
2017 – 2018 Postgraduate Scholar on Ocean Observations - Nippon Foundation-POGO Centre of Excellence, Alfred Wegener Institute -- Individual Project: ‘’Effects of Elevated Temperature on Seagrass Zostera noltii’’
2014–2017 Senior Science Research Specialist at University of the Philippines - Training Center for Applied Geodesy and Photogrammetry --Project: ‘’Aquatic Resources Extraction from LiDAR Surveys’’
2011-2018 Master of Science in Marine Biology University of the Philippines Diliman - The Marine Science Institute, Quezon City -- Thesis: Seagrass Composition and Growth Along a Nutrient Gradient in Bolinao, Pangasinan Philippines
2010–2014 Research Associate at the University of the Philippines - The Marine Science Institute, Diliman -- Project: ‘’Coastal Ecosystem Conservation and Adaptive Management Under Local and Global Environmental Impacts in the Philippines’’
2006– 2010 Research Assistant at the McKeough Marine Science-Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City (Philippines) – Focus: ‘’Resource Ecological Studies on Seagrass and Seaweeds’’
2002–2006 Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology, Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan, Cagayan de Oro City (Philippines) -- Thesis: Green Macro-algae in the intertidal zone of Punta Sulawan, Laguindingan Mis. Or
Proficiency in remote sensing and mapping applications such ArcGIS, QGIS, ENVI, and SNAP
▪ Tamondong A, Cadalzo IE, Estabillo MS, Go GA, Cruz C, Blanco A. 2020. Evaluation of Object Based Classification Methods for Mapping Benthic Habitats Using Bathymetric LiDAR Derivatives. Philippine Engineering Journal. Vol. 41, No. 2: 1-18.
▪ Leopardas V, Honda K, Go, GA, Bolisay K, Pantallano AD, Uy WH, Fortes MD, Nakaoka M. 2016. Variation in macrofaunal communities of seagrass beds along a pollution gradient in Bolinao, northwestern Philippines. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2016.02.004.
▪ Tanaka Y, Go GA, Watanabe A, Miyajima T, Nakaoka M, Uy WH, Nadaoka K, Wanatabe S, Fortes MD. 2014. 17-year change in species composition of mixed seagrass beds around Santiago Island, Bolinao, northwestern Philippines” Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2014.09.024.